{English follows Afrikaans.}
Met die kombinasie van suikerbelasting wat onlangs gehef is, en die dreigende uitsterf van Kakoa plante, lei produkte soos Hot Chocolate in die slag. Hier volg ‘n goedkoop alternatief, wat op ‘n volhoubare wyse verbruik en gemaak kan word.
Hot Chocolate Poeier
Voorbereidingstyd: 15 minute
Kook tyd: 2 minute
Totale tyd: 17 minute
Nota: Let wel dat sjokolade stukkies dikwels tot die bodem van die koppie sak wanneer ‘n koppie Hot Chocolate gemaak word, daarom is gerasperde sjokolade meer geskik.
Vir Poeier:
1 ¼ koppie Kakao
1 koppie volroom melkpoeier
1 teelepel sout
1 ¾ - 2 koppies strooisuiker (volgens smaak)
1 eetlepel mielieblom
80g / 12 blokkies sjokolade
1. Voeg die kakao, volroom melkpoeier, sout, suiker en mieliemeel saam
2. Sif die bestandele 2-3 keer om klonte te verhoed en die bestandele goed te kombineer
3. Rasper die sjokolade en voeg dit by die droeё bestandele
4. Stoor die poeier in ‘n lugdigte houer
Vir ‘n koppie Hot Chocolate:
15-20ml Hot Chocolate poeier
15-45ml melk
250ml kookwater
1. Voeg die poeier en ongeveer 15ml melk in ‘n beker
2. Meng die bestandele tot geen klonte meer sigbaar is nie
3. Voeg die kookwater steselmatig by
4. Voeg ongeveer 30ml melk by, volgens smaak
Artikel geskryf deur: Maggie Wassermann
Foto geneem deur: Elaine du Toit
Homemade Hot Chocolate: Need I say more?
With the combination of the sugar tax that was implemented recently, and the threatening endangerment of Cocoa plants on the rise, products such as Hot Chocolate decline in quality. Here follows an affordable alternative, that can be made and used in a sustainable manner!
Hot Chocolate powder
Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 2 minutes
Total time: 17 minutes
Note: Please note that chocolate chips often sink to the bottom of the mug when the Hot Chocolate is made, therefore, grated chocolate is more suitable
For the powder:
1 ¼ cup Cocoa
1 cup full cream milk powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 ¾ - 2 cups castor sugar (according to preference)
1 tablespoon cornflour
80g / 12 blocks/pieces of chocolate
1. Add the cocoa, milk powder, salt, sugar and cornflour together
2. Sift the ingredients 2-3 times together to prevent clumps and to combine well
3. Grate the chocolate and add it to the dry ingredients
4. Store the powder in an airtight container
For a cup of Hot Chocolate:
15-20ml Hot Chocolate powder
15-45ml milk
250ml boiling water
For a cup of Hot Chocolate:
1. Add the powder and 25ml of milk in a mug
2. Mix the ingredients until there are no clumps
3. Add the boiling water slowly while gently mixing
4. Add approximately 30ml milk, according to preference
Written by: Maggie Wassermann
Photo: Elaine du Toit