Why do women wear high heel shoes?
Nine out of ten women will have the same answer:
It boost one's height and confidence!
So no matter how much high heels pinch at the toes, or how many times women curse them...they will still persevere and put them on again-and-again.
10 interesting facts about high heeled shoes:
1. High heels...can it be good for you?
We as women have heard and perceive all the advice about how wearing heels too often is bad for your feet, so you might be surprised to learn that, for some people, a modest pair of heels can actually be good for them. When most people walk, their arches and their ankles fall inwards, which is known as over-pronating. This could be corrected by wearing one to two inch heels and it will also help to take the strain off the calf muscles.
2. The higher the heels...the more painful it feels
The higher your heels the more pain you will experience, because every inch on your heels puts another twenty five percent of your body weight into your toes. That means that, if you are walking around in four inch killer heels, you are basically spending all day walking on your tiptoes.
3. Sixty and still wearing heels
If you ever wondered when you will grow tired of putting yourself through the torture of wearing heels; it probably won’t be until you have passed your 60th birthday. On average, at the age of 12 a woman tries her first few steps in heels, and she won’t stop wearing heels until she’s 63 years old.
4. Some woman will go the extra mile to make heels more comfortable
Usually ladies just take of their heels when it gets a bit painful, but some women actually get cosmetic surgery to make wearing heels less painful. There is a surgical procedure that shortens the toes so that heels aren’t so painful to wear. Further, there are some women who gets dermal filler injections to provide a cushion in the soles of their feet to decrease agony when wearing high heels.
5. Running in heels...not so good idea!
We all know that running in heels is dangerous, but did you know that it could also lead to arthritis? Running in heels causes your knees to move unnaturally towards and away from each other in an unnatural lateral movement. This kind of movement in your legs could lead to the early onset of arthritis. So to prevent you from getting arthritis, falling on your face or loosing a glass slipper before the clock
strikes 12, just take of your heels...and then
6. Owning it does not mean wearing it
Go open your closet and see how many pair of shoes you own, now check how many of them do you actually wear. Got my point? A recent survey showed that most women own around about 20 pairs of shoes, and they only wear 5 of those pairs on a regular basis. What's more interesting is that 9 out of 10 women admitted that they owned at least one pair of shoes which they have never worn. Mostly because the shoes looked amazing in the store, but were not actually comfortable and practical.
7. were first
I think most of us would agree that high heels are the symbol of the women and a lot of us would also tend to think that women were the first who started wearing them. However, men actually were the first ones to start wearing high heels, mainly because it helped them to keep their feet in the stirrups while riding a horse and it also helped them to keep steady when standing up in the stirrups and shooting arrows.. The trend for women to wear high heels is thought to have begun in the 16th century in Italy, when the noblewoman, Catherine de Medici, wore heels to boost her height when she met the future King Henry.
8. First lady with 1200 pairs of shoes
Former Philippine First Lady Imelda Marcos is the 10th president of the Philippines. She served as First Lady from 1965 to 1986 during the presidency of her husband. She remains one of the richest politicians in the Philippines through her collection of clothing, artwork, and jewellery, along with money in offshore bank accounts. This included owning more than 1200 pairs of shoes, some of which are now housed in a museum in Marikina. She worked as a fashion designer and model.
9. The history of the red sole
In the year 1993, Christian Louboutin, was aiming to create a shoe based on the Andy Warhol’s drawing Flowers. When the prototype arrived, he was not very impressed as he felt there was something missing. He looked around the office and saw his assistant painting her nails with bright red nail polish, he grabbed the nail polish and painted the sole red – and so the well known red sole was born.
10. Most expensive high heeled pair of shoe
Passion Jewelers and Jada Dubai have collaborated to create the world’s most expensive pair of shoe. Priced at $17 million the stiletto heel pumps are embedded with a pair of 15 carat D grade diamonds. Further, 238 diamonds where used to decorate the trim. It has taken expert shoemakers 9 months to craft it from pure gold.
Girl...with your red lipstick and high heeled shoes on, no one can stop you! YOU GO GIRL!
Written by: Leamé Hattingh