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Rachel Green's Guide To Life

Friends fans know that it's as impossible to go a week without referencing the TV cult phenomenon as it is to pivot a sofa in a too-small stairwell. And while not all of their antics have aged well, the gang of six did teach a few key life lessons - for a start, the importance of not wearing brand-new leather trousers on a date, and how to cure a jellyfish sting. We look to the friend who offered up inspiration beyond her trend-setting hairstyles. Take note of Rachel Green's most memorable moments and how you can benefit from them.

1. How To Know Your Own Identity

"It's like all my life everyone's told me, you're a shoe! You're a shoe! You're a shoe!... Well, what if I don't want to be a shoe? What if I wanna be a purse or a hat?"

2. How To Get Ahead

"Let me tell you about a couple of things I learned while working at the coffee house. First of all, the customer is always right. A smile goes a long way. And if anyone is ever rude to you: sneeze muffin."

3. How To Be Happy For Your Friends

"I'm 98% happy and 2% jealous."

4. How To Be Independent

"Well, maybe I don’t need your money. Wait. I said maybe."

5. How To Stick It To The Patriarchy

"No uterus, no opinion."

6. How To Admit To Your Mistakes

"I wasn’t supposed to put beef in the trifle!"

7. How To Keep Perspective

"Today, it's like there's rock bottom, then 50 feet of crap, then me.

8. How To Back Yourself

"You know what I figure, if I can do laundry, there's nothing I can't do."

9. How To Show Gratitude

"I was spoiled, self-centred and you guys really took care of me."

10.How To Keep Yourself In Check

“You know what? I just shouldn’t be allowed to make decisions anymore.:

Written by Xandri Lubbe


Rachel Green se lewenswenke

Aanhangers van Friends weet dat dit so onmoontlik is om 'n week te gaan sonder om na die TV-verskynsel te verwys soos dit is om 'n bank in 'n te-klein trappie te draai. En alhoewel nie al hul skelmpies goed verouder het nie, het die groep van ses 'n paar belangrike lewenslesse geleer – van die belangrikheid daarvan om nie splinternuwe leerbroeke op 'n romatiese ete aan te trek nie, tot hoe om 'n jellievissteek te genees. Ons kyk na die Friends karakter wat haar haarstyle vir inspirasie aangebied het. Let op na die mees onvergeetlike oomblikke van Rachel Green en hoe jy daaruit kan baat vind.

1. Hoe om jouself te ken

"It's like all my life everyone's told me, 'you're a shoe! You're a shoe! You're a shoe!' Well, what if I don't want to be a shoe? What if I wanna be a purse or a hat?"

2. Hoe om ‘n stappie voor te wees

"Let me tell you about a couple of things I learned while working at the coffee house. First of all, the customer is always right. A smile goes a long way. And if anyone is ever rude to you: sneeze muffin."

3. Hoe om gelukkig vir jou ander te wees

"I'm 98% happy and 2% jealous."

4. Hoe om onafhanklik te wees

"Well, maybe I don’t need your money. Wait. I said maybe."

5. Hoe om by die patriargie te hou

"No uterus, no opinion."

6. Hoe om jou foute te erken

"I wasn’t supposed to put beef in the trifle!"

7. Hoe om perspektief te hou

"Today, it's like there's rock bottom, then 50 feet of crap, then me.

8. Hoe om jouself te ondersteun

"You know what I figure, if I can do laundry, there's nothing I can't do."

9. Hoe om dankbaarheid te toon

"I was spoiled, self-centred and you guys really took care of me."

10.Hoe om jouself in toom te hou

“You know what? I just shouldn’t be allowed to make decisions anymore.”

Geskryf deur Xandri Lubbe

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